1. Optimize the build-up process
Before every overseas Grand Prix all teams, suppliers and Dorna equipment is loaded into Boeing 777-F aircrafts. In order to maximize the decks, all the crates are placed into airfreight pallets and built to use all the available space. This operation occurs at European GPs before an overseas race, or between overseas events. In a normal scenario, the building of all these pallets takes about 8 hours per plane, making the schedule extremely tight when we talk about a back to back race scenario or long-haul events. Unusual or oversized crates hinder considerably this operation, compromising the schedule, crates security, integrity and leaving unoccupied volume, increasing prices. Optimizing crates sizes allow us to speed up this process, improve on-route equipment security and exploit all the aircraft volume, increasing cost-efficiency.
2. Crates features
When ordering new freight boxes, teams must consider that at all stages of transport the boxes will be palletized meaning that on occasions any freight box can have other boxes stacked on top. To grant structural integrity of the box and correctly protect the goods inside, crates need to comply with the following assets:
Crates need to comply with a specific maximum sizes, must adjust the volume to the aircraft deck size and equipment dimensions.CRATE CONSTRUCTION
Crates must be well constructed and sufficiently reinforced to be stackable with the weight of other boxes on top. It is also highly recommended using reinforcement rails around the sides and in the instance of larger boxes across the middle that will bear the weight of any boxes placed on top of them.CRATE SEALING
Crates should be correctly sealed, well performing on windy, dusty and heavy rain conditions, guaranteeing the secure transport of the equipment contained. Use of covers would be recommended.CONCEPT BASIS
Boeing 777F Freighter pallet distribution and contour

Boeing 777F Freighter pallet distribution and contour
PMC Unit available surface
Whereas the exterior measures of the PMC are 317x244 cm, we have to take into consideration that not all this space is available, as we can see if we take a deeper look at the edge rail cross section.
This part takes about 5 cm on each side of the pallet, so to be sure and let the operators strap and net all the pallets for its transportation, we have to use the inner pallet’s surface at least on the flight cases feet.

Q5 Aircraft Contour
The Q5 Contour maximizes the Main Deck volume of the Boeing 777F Freighter, aircraft used by MotoGP air transport and by the main world carriers..
Effective surface of the PMC (Contour Base) is around 315 cm x 240 cm, allowing some space to install the nets.
Lower Deck Aircraft Contour
The LD Contour maximizes the Lower Deck volume of the Boeing 777F Freighter, aircraft used by MotoGP air transport and by the main world carriers.
Effective surface of the PMC (Contour Base) is around 300 cm x 240 cm, allowing some space to install the nets.
Lower Deck Contour allows cargo to fly in both freighter and passenger aircraft.

Optimized Q5 / Lower Deck contour occupancy
Standarized crates, not only means optimized cost-efficient volumes, but increases crates structural security and lowers significantly the build up timings, allowing short processing times at a World Championship.
The main goal is to build perfect Q5 / Lower Deck Contours. For this, crates with 75 cm length multiple sizes
Optimized Q5 contour occupancy
Optimized Moto3 Loadout
- Maximum volume allowed: 16 m3
- Only 3 types of crates
- Màximum 5 type “a”, mínimum 1 type “c”

Ground Clearance
Ground clearance (Y) must be higher than 10cm but lower than 13 cm in order to let the scale enter the forks to weigh the crate.
The width of the middle leg of the crate (X) must be less than 15cm and the surface 17cm either side of the central leg, must be totally flat in order to let the scale weigh the crate properly.