Plywood Transport Boxes

Price from : 90.00 EUR plus 22 % TAX Product sold on quote
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Custom plywood transport boxes are a new entry in the RG Cases' rooster, our answer to an increasing need for low-cost storage boxes to transport wares safely for only a few times before they're no longer needed.

Our custom transport boxes, made of laminated plywood, are both low-cost and robust, ideal to transport not-too-cumbersome equipment and wares. Be it by land, by sea, or on tracks, these are your go-to choice, reusable and customizable in all their facets.

Customize your new plywood transport boxes with everything you need to ensure the safety of what you cherish the most: the plywood comes in different sizes and thickness! You may also add wheel or supports for stacking to your custom plywood transport boxes, and even latches supporting a padlock and reinforced angles.


Plywood transport boxes
Plywood Transport Boxes

Plywood Transport Boxes

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Dopo una ricerca in rete ci siamo affidati alla RG perché dopo aver analizzato bene le nostre esigenze ci è stato consigliato questo prodotto, più economico del flight case ma comunque di grande protezione per le nostre strumentazioni. Penso che si possano migliorare nelle finiture ma trattandosi di un prodotto base forse va bene così. Tutto sommato siamo molto contenti dell´acquisto fatto. Saluti, Giancarlo, Itapla srl.

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